So, What's for Dinner has always been the greatest thing since pre-sliced bread, but if you can believe it, they've gotten even better.
Get this... now you can drop in and pick up a thawed and ready-to-cook meal that takes less than 30 minutes to prepare. Here's the scoop from the What's for Dinner newsletter:
Do you ever realize you don't have anything for dinner TONIGHT? Give us a call at 440-6101, and you can select any meal that takes 30 minutes or less to prepare from our regular menu and we'll get one ready for you - we can have it ready for you to pick up and cook in as little as 20 minutes.
According to owner Kristen Severs, the 911 meals will eventually be tagged with a little icon on the Website, but for now the gals at WFD are just picking those that take less than 30 minutes from the regular month's menu.
Wanna know what's even better than better? If you've got little ones in the car, give them a call when you get to the parking lot, and they'll bring your order out to you! Love this place...
NOW I might give it a try.
Posted by: Jodi | June 28, 2007 at 03:03 PM