I'm always looking for an excuse to get to the East Village, but there's hardly ever any family-friendly events down there. But that's changed now that East Village Books has committed to a monthly family activity, scheduled to be held the first Friday of every month.
First of all, I love that the bookstore caters to the parents as much as it does the children. With the wine and cheese pairings available for the "big kids," it becomes date night and family night rolled in one.
We absolutely LOVED this event and will go back as often as our schedule allows.
A few things to keep in mind when you take your family:
1. Inquire as to the actual start time of the children's activity. Last Friday's event notice said to "join us anytime after 6," and the storyteller didn't start until 7. You know what they say about idle hands... especially idle toddler hands in a beautiful bookstore.
2. Put the kids in jammies... last Friday's event was almost an hour long, and the kiddos were ready to go straight to see the Sandman when we got home.
3. Designate a driver. Free wine can get pretty tempting for mom and dad.
This event and this store gets a huge thumbs-up from DesMoinesFamilies.com. Way to go... remembering that parents deserve some attention at kids' events is so rare... great job!