Listen, I know it's hard to take your kids out on the town.
You never know if they'll be welcome where you're going... especially if your destination is generally thought of as for "big people." You never know what kind of rude behavior or tantrum episode they're gonna pull. You never know if they'll make a huge mess, a huge scene. It's hard.
But it's so good for them! And we need more brave moms and dads to get their kids out into this city... it'll help them fall in love with it the way we have.
So, with that, I give you this Love That post.
Last week, at the opening of the hip new East Village restaurant, Alba, I spotted two very brave parents among the young professional crowd. They looked great -- they were dressed; they were social; they were working the room... with their kids!
I just had to introduce myself. So who were they?
They were Tanya Keith, owner of Simply for Giggles (East Village and West Glen locations), and her husband, Doug Jotzke, Director of Engineering for The Baking Company. In tow were their 7-month-old son and 5-year-old daughter. The kids were having a blast, jetting from location to location, talking with adults (well, one was talking, the other was gurgling), and generally working that room just like their mom and dad. Brilliant.
Here's what Tanya had to say: "We've brought our children to grand openings, World Cup Soccer games, theater shows...all sorts of events. They're usually really well behaved, and I know it makes me feel closer to my kids and has taught me so much about how to look at the world from different perspectives."
Love that!