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February 26, 2008



Good for Tanya and Doug! I know taking the kids isn't always feasible, but let's face it - behavior expectations are set by the parents, and they should be set early. I have never hesitated to take my daughter anywhere, from the time she was very young, based on behavior concerns. When she was three, she accompanied me on genealogy trips to libraries and cemeteries alike, showing the proper respect for the artifacts found in each place. At age five she was assisting me with my Pampered Chef kitchen demonstrations, talking about and demonstrating her favorite products, in front of adults. Just the other night, at a funereal visitation, she received (at "awkward age" 14) a compliment from a professional woman on her firm handshake. She has functioned really well in the adult world for many years - I hope she maintains some degree of respect as we get further into the teen years! LOL I commend Tanya and Doug - It says a lot about them, as well as their kids, they are able to do trust the kids in grown-up situations.

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