Inspired by Iowa mom blogger Farm Fresh Jessica, I've decided to jump on the "blog fest" bandwagon with Nappy Hour.
Every Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m., the DesMoinesFamilies blog will host Nappy Hour -- a time for moms and dads to do some digital socializing while the pee wees are partying at the SnoozeTown Tap.
DesMoinesFamilies will pose a question, and bloggers answer in a thousand words -- a photo. Post your "photo answer" and any accompanying commentary on your blog, along with the Nappy Hour button (just save the image in the upper left to your computer and upload it to your own post).
Once you've posted, hop back here and give us the URL to your Nappy Hour post via Mr. Linky -- a blogging device that allows a bunch of us to link from one blog post. I'll be playing along at The Mother Load.
I have a few ideas for questions, but suggestions are, of course, welcome. See you on Thursday!