Submitted by Adam
The title in and of itself does not begin to give credit to the amount of things you can do on this website. Like your typical website, you are able to upload your photos to the website and display them while selecting different backgrounds (themes) to use for each album on your site.
It’s easy to get started... you just need to open an account. After that, it’s just a matter of setting up your albums in an edit mode. Then, you can select “View on the web” to see your finished product. It is easy to do and you can alter the albums anyway you like, whenever you like. You can also do minor alterations to the photos themselves (cropping, red eye reduction, etc.).
The fun part to this site is the actual sharing of your family photos, because in all honesty, that's why we display them in the first place. Phanfare used to allow anyone and everyone too view all photos and albums. Not so any more, and this new security feature is a nice one.
The album owner (you) would need to send an invite to a person to view your album. That person would then have to set up their own password, but after that, they are free to view all albums on your site. I like this in that only those people I want viewing my photos can do so. There is also a feature to be notified whenever new photos are added. So when you're done adding photos of your Saturday afternoon picnic with the kids here in Des Moines, Grandma in Denver would get an e-mail saying there are new photos on your site, and she could view them that day.
There are also many other features you or visitors can do. You can upload videos (baby’s first steps for example); visitors are also able to order photos directly from the site using many different vendors (Snapfish, Shutterfly, etc.). They can also order products with photos on them, if you like that sort of thing, as well as download music to accompany the albums to add to a specific theme.
There is 1GB of space available for free from the site to start and maintain, anything greater requires a fee of $54.95/year. In my opinion, it's well worth it for the ease of sharing, choices available and security provided.
If you are looking for a site to house your photos and make them accessible to family members while providing security, in my opinion, Phanfare is for you.